This year Tokyo Indonesian School (Kindergarden, Primary School, Junior High School, and High school students)went to Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise for Study tour.
Sekitar jam 8.00 semua siswa siswi SRIT (TK,SD,SMP,SMA) sudah berkumpul di sekolah mengenakan baju bebas.
Around 8.00 AM all of the students already gather in the school
We went there by bus.
Sekitar pukul 9.45, kami tiba di Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise
Around 9.45 am we arrived in Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise
Pertama-tama kami mengunjungi Aqua Museum, Aqua museum adalah salah satu dari aquarium terbesar di jepang. Terdapat banyak sekali hewan disini, terdapat sekitar 500 macam ikan dan lebih dari 100.000 hewan laut.
First, we visited Aqua Museum, Aqua Museum is one of the largest Aquarium in Japan. there are a lot of animals here, there is 500 kinds of fish and more than 100.000 sea creatures.
Setelah melihat-lihat di Aqua Museum, kami menyaksikan Sea Animal Show. Binatang yang ditampilkan antara lain, Lumba-lumba, paus, singa laut.
After we finished, we watch Sea Animal Show. There are dolphin, Sea lion,etc.
Setelah selesai menyaksikan Sea Animal Show, kami makan siang Buffet (All you can eat)
Setelah makan siang, terdapat wisata mandiri (kami boleh jalan-jalan sendiri di Sea Paradise)
Selain Aquarium, di Sea Paradise juga terdapat berbagai macam wahana seperti, Blue fall, Viking, Merry go round, Splashute, Peter Pan, Aqua ride II, juga terdapat haunted house.
After we finished watching Sea Animal Show, we went for a buffet. After we finished our lunch, we were given free time to ride the rides there. There is also many attraction in Sea paradise, such as Blue Fall, Viking, Merry go round, splashute, Peter pan, Aqua ride II, there is also a haunted house, etc.
Sekitar jam 15.45 kami kembali ke SRIT.
by : Nabila Arista N.